Earth made chaos: end of earth’s first perfect state and first sinful career because of jLucifer’s rebellion Overthrow of “the world that then was” (2 Pet. 3:5-7) 1 eIn the beginning fGod gcreated the hheaven and the iearth. 45:18) d“The world that then was” (2 Pet. Original creation cmade perfect and inhabited (Isa. v First appearance of light from the sun since God commanded the heavens to withhold light from the earth, causing the judgment of v 2 (Jer. Let there become light and there became light.

t Become, not the verb to be (note l, 1:2). r God said, 10 times: at the beginning of each day 3rd day 2 times 6th day 4 times (v 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29). q In this verse we have the existence of the earth, darkness, and waters before day 1 (v 3 see Lucifer’s Flood, p. Here we have the beginning of the heavens and earth which are now (v 3-31 2:1-25 2 Pet. n Obscuring the sun and consequent darkness is always a result of judgment, never of creation (Gen. 45:18), but became tohu because of sin, as in note l, above. The earth was not created tohu in the beginning (Isa. tohu va bohu, meaning waste and empty (Jer. 4:14 24:43 27:40 etc.) and be in the sense of become (Gen. 16:8) came and came to pass 505 times (Gen. shamayim, heavens, nearly always in the plural. kosmos, social system) that then was” which embraces the whole pre-Adamite universe, to which all fossils and remains belong. The period may be called the Antechaotic Age-the Dispensation of Angels, because angels ruled various planets (Isa. b From the dateless past to the end of the 7 days of 1:3–2:25. – Dake Annotated Reference Bible KJV © a GENESIS 1 THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES Book of Beginnings-Creation-Fall-Two Deluges–Four Dispensations-8 Covenants-Patriarchs-2371 Years a See Summary of Genesis, p.